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Journey to the heart through the heart of India 

Lead by Parvinder Singh Khalsa and  Nirvair Devi & Kavalya


Parvinder has spent his entire life dedicated to the ancient teachings of Gurmukhi, Japji, the Naad, (essence of all sound) and Mantra, he delivers the teachings in a most profound, deeply moving, heart opening way.

His studies begun as a boy, with the Bekik, he then went on to receive the teachings from the Santokhi. 

Later, Yogi Bhajan spotted him doing Seva at the Golden Temple, and he instinctively knew the knowledge which had been bestowed upon Parvinder is given to very few. So, Yogi Bhajan sent him to Miri Piri, where Parvinder taught for eleven years. Some of his students have been Nirinjan Kaur & Chardhi Kala Jatha Khalsa. Parvinder continues to offer his vast knowledge of the teachings & travels worldwide to share them. He has been leading International yatras in his hometown of Amritsar/India for many years.

He is a teacher with extensive knowledge of Mantra & Sound  Parvinder holds a deep compassion for humankind.


Nirvair Devi begun practicing Kundalini yoga back in 2013. Nirvair has successfully completed KRI Kundalini yoga teacher training under Guru Dass, who trained directly with Yogi Bhajan. She has recently returned from extensive travels overseas where she was deeply immersed in the practice of Kundalini Yoga & she continued honing her Kundalini yoga training through ongoing Level 2 KRI accredited Kundalini yoga teacher training modules. She spent much time in India & studied with a Parvinder Singh Khalsa who works closely with the sound of the naad /Mantra. Nirvair Devi is passionate about helping everyone achieve their best from life, through Kundalini yoga practice you can learn how to release & effectively manage stress & anxiety, these are side effects of the transition into the Aquarian age. Kundalini yoga can help you align to the universal flow, tune into you, be present & open up to living as your true self, Sat Nam.

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Nirvair is  a radical truth seeker, my soul purpose is that of connection, guiding souls through the transmissions of Kundalini Yoga home to their authentic selves. With these tools you will be guided to understand the emotional intelligence held within for your own healing & powerful inner transformation. 

I facilitate workshops throughout Australia & Worldwide.

I lead Kundalini Yoga Spirit Journeys; these Yogic journeys are held around the world at sacred sights, where I offer a deep dive to walk the Dharmic path & receive Kundalini Yoga Transmission & Activation, which can completely transform your life from the inside out. 

Over the years of walking this path I have been blessed to study with many Masters & Priestesses and Teachers of ancient lineages. The modalities I work with are Kundalini Yoga Therapy, Sound healing, Rebirthing & Breathwork. I work with layers of tools, Somatic Movement, Dance & Osho Meditations, Sound Healing & Sound Codes/Mantra which have provided me the foundation and methodology to hold safe spaces for profound transformation.

I use sacred sound healing instruments throughout my classes, playing the gong, bowls, harmonium & the medicine drum & many more.

Be guided on your path of personal transformation & emotional intelligence, gain a deep understanding of the tools which will elevate you & which will enable you to co-create a more beautiful & harmonious life for yourself & others.



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Kavalya Bani Kaur

Having held a deep passion for music since there earliest age, Kavalya realised that music is more than just a modality which invokes strong feelings, it is also an extremely powerful healing tool. Delving into this fascination with sound and vibration and the effects on the body and mind led her to the transformational modality of Sound and Vibrational Therapy.

Through her continued interest in the power of the mind and body as its own healer she has expanded her healing modalities to include Zenthai Shiatsu, Osho Meditations, Breathwork and Qi Gong. By using the breath, meditation and slow, flowing, precise movements via the ancient modality of Qi Gong & Kavalya’s energy work helps to clear any blockages, deficiencies or excesses within our beings leaving you as a clear channel to bring in any change you may want to call into your life.


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